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Sea and land area and their percentages by latitudinal zone

Lists the area and percentage of the world's oceans and land by latitudinal zone.
A detailed breakdown of land and ocean area by latitudinal zone, using square meters. Understanding the distribution of land and oceans by latitudinal zone is essential for a variety of scientific and geographic endeavors.

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1. Introduction

The Earth's latitude zones play a crucial role in defining its climates, biodiversity, and landscapes. Here's an in-depth look into the distribution of land and ocean areas across these latitude zones using specific data.

2. Latitude Zones Defined

a) Arctic:The far north, primarily above 60°N.

b) Cold Belt:Spanning latitudes 50° to 60°, both north and south.

c) Temperate Zone:Located between latitudes 23.5° to 50° in both the northern and southern hemispheres.

d) Tropical Zone:From the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn, covering latitudes 23.5°N to 23.5°S.

e) Antarctician:The southernmost region, primarily below 60°S.

3. Detailed Breakdown by Latitude Zone

a) Arctic:Total Area: 24,700,000 square metersLand Area: 10,600,000 square meters (42.91%)Ocean Area: 14,100,000 square meters (57.09%)

b) Cold Belt:Total Area: 312,100,000 square metersLand Area: 94,500,000 square meters (30.28%)Ocean Area: 217,600,000 square meters (69.72%)

c) Temperate Zone:Total Area: 221,700,000 square metersLand Area: 76,300,000 square meters (34.42%)Ocean Area: 145,400,000 square meters (65.58%)

d) Tropical Zone:Total Area: 229,800,000 square metersLand Area: 48,300,000 square meters (21.02%)Ocean Area: 181,500,000 square meters (78.98%)

e) Antarctician:Total Area: 20,400,000 square metersLand Area: 9,300,000 square meters (45.59%)Ocean Area: 11,100,000 square meters (54.41%)

4. Key Observations

  1. The Tropical Zone has the highest percentage of ocean area at 78.98%.

  2. The Antarctician zone, despite its icy appearance, has a land coverage close to half of its total area at 45.59%.

  3. The Cold Belt, with its vast expanses of ocean, has the second-highest percentage of ocean area at 69.72%.

5. Conclusion

These detailed statistics shed light on the intricate balance between land and ocean across the Earth's latitude zones. This knowledge is crucial for various fields, from climate science to geography, and offers readers a better appreciation of our planet's vast and diverse landscape.

Keywords: ocean and land area by latitude zone, land area, ocean area, statistics.

  • Latitude Zones: Defined the Earth's surface into specific regions such as Arctic, Cold Belt, Temperate Zone, Tropical Zone, and Antarctician.

  • Statistics by Zone: Detailed breakdown of land and ocean areas was provided for each latitude zone, using exact square meter measurements.

  • Dominance of Oceans: The Tropical Zone exhibited the highest ocean coverage at 78.98%, showcasing the vastness of oceans in this region.

  • Land-Ice Balance: The Antarctician zone has a significant land presence, making up 45.59% of its total area.

  • Conclusion: Understanding the land-ocean distribution across latitude zones is vital for various scientific and geographical endeavors.

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