Data Book
GDP of countries in the world
Based on the latest information available in 2021. In addition, GDP figures are approximate.
These figures are based primarily on data published by the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the United Nations; please note that GDP is calculated using a variety of methods (e.g., nominal GDP, purchasing power parity, etc.), which may lead to differences in the figures depending on the method and source of information.
Water resource use in the world
The data provided are largely sourced from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, specifically their AQUASTAT database, which is a global information system on water and agriculture. You might want to visit the FAO's AQUASTAT or the World Bank's databases for more recent figures or a comprehensive overview of other countries' water usage.
World's Major Languages Population
The primary source for these estimates is Ethnologue, a comprehensive reference work that provides statistics and other information on the languages of the world. However, the numbers can vary slightly based on different sources and the methodology used. Also, the world population used to calculate percentages is based on an estimated 7.8 billion people as of 2021.
World's Major Religious Populations
The data provided are largely sourced from the Pew Research Center, especially their reports on global religious demographics. These numbers are approximate and can vary slightly based on the source, the methodology used, and the definitions of religious adherence. It's also important to note that people's religious beliefs and identifications can be deeply personal and nuanced, so broad categories might not capture the full spectrum of human spiritual and religious experience.